You have the prebimestral exam next monday, the topics you have to study are: Tropism, Senses, Nervous System and Ecosystem.
Write the following information in your notebook:
Date: October 18th, 2013
Week: 33
Topic: Ecosystem
1. What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is the place where living and nonliving interact.
(Color the picture and write what are the living things and the nonliving things in this picture)
2. What is a population?
The population is a group of the SAME specie living in an area.

3. What is community?
The community is a group of SOME species in an area.

4. What is habitat?
The habitat is the place where organism live.
(Draw and color an habitat, for example: desert, forest, ocean, etc.)
5. What is niche?
A niche is the role or function an organism have in an ecosystem.
For example:
- When the Sun hepls plants to grow up, and the Plant give us food.
- When the Tree gives food and shelter to squirrels, and Squirrels help plants to sprout their seeds.
(Draw and color a niche, take into account the example.)
Pdta: Do not forget to study for prebimestral exam.
Bye Bye. See you at school.
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