Monday, October 28, 2013


Hi dear students!!

Here there is the homework about FOOD CHAIN and FOOD WEB


Using Relative Clauses to Make Definitions

Make a definition of the following words and give an example of each. Please write in sentences. Use a relative clause to make your definition.
A ____________ is an animal that ____________
A        herbivore         is an animal that           eats plants.  

(1) What is a herbivore?

(2) What is a carnivore?

(3) What is an omnivore?

(4) What is an producer?

(5) What is a predator?

(6) What is a scavenger?

(7) What is a consumer?


Food Web
A food web shows how energy is passed on from one living thing to the next. It shows the feeding habits of different animals that live together in an ecosystem.
Producers are living things that make their own food with sun and air. The producers are pictured at the bottom of the food web.
Consumers are living things that eat other living things.

 Use the food web in the picture above to answer the questions.
1. Name the living things in the food web that are producers. _________________________
2. Name the living things in the food web that are consumers. _________________________
3. Which living things does the snake eat? _______________________________________
4. Which living things does the fox eat? _________________________________________
5. What is eaten by the rabbit? ______________________________________________________


Producers and Consumers
A producer is a living thing that makes its own food from sunlight, air, and soil. Green plants are producers who make food in their leaves.
A consumer is a living thing that cannot make its own food. Consumers get their energy by eating food. All animals are consumers.
A decomposer is a living thing that gets energy by breaking down dead plants and animals. Fungi and bacteria are the most common decomposers.

Tell whether each living thing below is a producer, consumer, or decomposer.
a. apple tree - _____________________            b. hawk - ______________________
c. mushroom -_____________________             d. carrot - _____________________
e. dragonfly - _____________________              f. bamboo - ____________________
g. cougar - _______________________              h. bacteria - ____________________
i. daffodil - _______________________              j. pigeon - _____________________
k. snake - _______________________               l. catfish - ______________________

Predator and Prey
A predator is an animal that hunts other animals for food.
Prey is an animal that is hunted and eaten for food.

Identify the predator and prey for each scenario below.
1. A snapping turtle in a pond eats a small perch.
predator - _______________________ prey - _______________________
2. A shrew is eaten by a barn owl.
predator - _______________________ prey - _______________________
3. A seagull lands near an alligator and the alligator eats it.
predator - _______________________ prey - _______________________
4. A gray wolf hunts and eats a rabbit.
predator - _______________________ prey - _______________________
5. A blue whale swallows krill.
predator - _______________________ prey - _______________________
6. A penguin is captured and eaten by a leopard seal.
predator - _______________________ prey - _______________________
7. A robin pulls an earthworm from the lawn and eats it.
predator - _______________________ prey - _______________________

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