Saturday, May 25, 2013


Hi students!!!

Solve this workshop in your notebook:

1.       Answer the following questions:
a.       What is autothrophic nutrition? Give 1 picture as example
b.      What is heterothrophic nutrition? Give 1 picture as example
c.       What is interaction? Give 1 picture as example
d.      What is asexual reproduction ? Give 1 picture as example
e.      What is sexual reproduction? Give 1 picture as example

2. Name 10 organs of digestive system

3.Complete the activity

a. List two functions your teeth do when you chew?

b. What are the stages of the digestion?
c. What is the function of the digestive system?

d. What is the function of the stomach, mouth, small intestine, and large intestine?

Stomach: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Small intestine:

Large intestine:

4. Answer the questions according to the reading

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell because they “burn” or break the chemical bonds of glucose to release energy to do work in a cell.  Remember that this energy originally came from the sun and was stored in chemical bonds by plants during photosynthesis. Glucose and other carbohydrates made by plants during photosynthesis are broken down by the process of aerobic cellular respiration (requires oxygen) in the mitochondria of the cell.  This releases energy (ATP) for the cell.  The more active a cell (such as a muscle cell), the more mitochondria it will have.  The mitochondria are bout the size of a bacterial cell and are often peanut-shaped.  Mitochondria have their own DNA and a double membrane like the nucleus and chloroplast.  The outer membrane is smooth, while the inner membrane is convoluted into folds called cristae in order to increase the surface area.

1. Why are mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell?
2. What cell process occurs in the mitochondria?
3. Why do some cells have MORE mitochondria?  Give an example.
4. What simple sugar is broken down in the mitochondria?
5. Where does the energy in glucose come from ORIGINALLY?
6. Where is this energy stored in glucose?
7. Why is cellular respiration an aerobic process?
8. Name two other organelles besides the mitochondria that contain DNA and have a double membrane.
9. Describe the outer membrane of the mitochondria.

5. Give a short explanation about the kind of respiration and draw an animal of each one

- Cutaneous repiration:
- Pulmonary respiration:
- Tracheal respiration:
- Branquial respiration:

Good luck!!!
Don´t forget to prepare well your bimestral exam.
See you next week.
bye bye


Check the following web pages, watch the videos to understand a little bit more about the vital functions in living things.I hope it would be usefull for you!!!


Monday, May 6, 2013


Hi dear students and mommies!!!

I'm sending you all the information we have studied in class, take advantage of it and prepare for quizzes when you come back... I hope you get better soon!!